At the 2024 Atlanta Pen show.
Hello, I'm JC. A proud father, husband, and cohabitant with a dog and cat in the DC suburbs. Myopic vision, both literal and figurative. An ardent craftsman, likely to an unhealthy degree but at least it’s productive and contributes something small to society and my family. There is so much in the world that amazes me but when it comes to pens I focus in on the nibs. Making tines perform at their peak potential soothes my obsessive tendencies.
In 2017, my interest in fountain pen nibs drove me to began a self-study of how to faithfully replicate the various grinds I had acquired from my favorite nibmeisters.
I was privileged to develop relationships with these individuals and sought their gracious wisdom when needed. Necessity is the mother of invention, so early pre-shaped JoWo nib units were sold primarily at pen shows out of my backpack. In 2018, more of my nibwork was again reviewed and I was advised to put out my own table at shows as I'd demonstrated consistently clean work. I began to offer customized nib units and pen modifications as the hobbyist project, Nibs On Point.
In mid-2021, I rebranded the company to the Nib Tailor and shifted focus from "weekend warrior" to a professional endeavor. The Nib Tailor provides professional nib services as well as "ready to wear" fountain pen products, such as Additive Pens, specialty ground Platinum and Pilot pens, and custom nib units for your JoWo/Bock compatible pens. Experimentation and execution of designs and ideas drive me to explore daily. Everything has been done before but through extrapolation is innovation so I keep a faithful eye on traditional grinds as well as developing my own exclusive creations. Thank you for your interest.
What’s in a name?
So, in a world of fountain pens, what’s with the name “Nib Tailor”? It’s a nod of respect to my mother. I was never a classic “Mama’s Boy”, but when I became a father I started to better understand some of the choices and sacrifices my mother made in a new way. The first sound of my childhood mornings was her commercial sewing machines reverberating through the house. When I went off to school, sewing. When I returned, more sewing. When I laid my head to the pillow? Her sewing machine was my soundtrack as I to drifted off to sleep.
This same woman was always able to provide for her family. I am humbled by her work ethic and dedication to making the best life that she knew of for us. So I named this endeavor the Nib Tailor. While I do focus on providing each client with a “custom fit” writing experience, the name is a personal reminder of my role as a business owner in support for my own family.
-JC Ament